Samstag, 30. November 2019

Nigeria - wie Christen und Muslime sich gegenseitig vor dem Terror schützen

Die Interfaith Peacemaker Reams (IPT) der Organisation Omnia - Institute for Contextual Leadership in Chicago, USA - organisieren, begleiten und bilden Menschen an Brennpunkten religiöser oder ethnischer Konflikte aus, damit vor Ort gefährliche Situationen entschärft oder gar befriedet werden können.
Der November-Rundbrief 2019 von Omnia beschreibt besonders beeindruckend, wie sich Christen und Muslime in Nordnigeria gegenseitig vor terroristischen Angriffen schützen. Dieses Beispiel ist Teil einer Kampagne mit dem Titel:
Every Village a Peace Village

This Thanksgiving weekend (in the United States) I give thanks for you, and your commitment to peacebuilding!
This is OMNIA’s journey as well. As the African proverb says: If you want to go fast, walk alone. If you want to go far, walk together. We are walking far.  And this is an invitation for you to walk together with us.
OMNIA is on the cusp of something new. We are launching our campaign, Every Village a Peace Village, which will make a huge difference in the lives of our sisters and brothers in dire situations in Northeast Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh, where violent religious extremism takes a severe toll.

As you know, we equip religious leaders and people of faith to build Interfaith Peacemaker Teams (IPTs). Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and Christians are trained in the best practices of interreligious dialogue and community organizing. They learn to transform their attitudes from mistrust and fear to reconciliation and love of neighbor. Together they build power so they can effectively address issues critical to their communities. Today there are 71 IPTs in Nigeria’s Gombe State, 18 in Sri Lanka and 15 in Bangladesh. I can tell you many amazing stories of individual and community transformation.
Here’s one:  
In Northeast Nigeria, Christians feel especially vulnerable on Sundays when they gather for church services. They worry about getting attacked by Boko Haram, one of the most violent terrorist organizations in the world. For over ten years now, they’ve been attacking not only the Christian communities, but also peace-loving Muslims. Churches have assigned young men of their congregations to provide security. They stand at the gate and using metal detectors check worshippers for explosives. When the service starts, they stand guard to protect those who pray. They know that in case of a Boko Haram attack, they are the first line of defense.
In the town of Nassarawa there’s an Interfaith Peacemaker Team (IPT). The Imams of the IPT said to the Pastors, “It is not good that your young men miss worship service on Sunday. They should be inside the church, not outside. We will send Muslim young men to provide security for you on Sunday mornings, so the Christian young men can go to church.” The pastors not only accepted, they reciprocated. Today, Muslim young men provide security at the churches, and Christian young men provide security at the Mosque on Friday afternoons. “Before the OMNIA training, we couldn’t even imagine this,” the imams and the pastors said to me. “It is amazing that we have learned to trust each other.”
This is how the IPTs serve their communities. Rather than let extremists divide them, they use the OMNIA skills to act together. They renovate schools, repair roads, collaborate across religious lines to start businesses, and keep peace during elections.
 Can you imagine the transformation, when hundreds of such stories get repeated in more and more villages in Nigeria, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh? That’s the result they long to see. “We are tired of the mistrust, the conflict, and the violence,” they say. We need an IPT in every village. “Every Village a Peace Village” they clamor ...                                                                                     Again, thank you for walking together with us. As we join with Nigerians, Sri Lankans, Bangladeshis and others, our walk together can secure a more just and peaceful future for all of us.             
With peace and blessings!

Rev. Dr. Shanta Premawardhana
President, OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership
Copyright © 2019 OMNIA Institute for Contextual Leadership, All rights reserved.
Thank you for your interest in OMNIA and its Interfaith Peacemaker Teams. Your engagement is a source of encouragement for our work of peace-building around the world.

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