Freitag, 9. März 2018

Kardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns (14.09.1921-14.12.2016): Option für die Armen und Theologie der Befreiung (aktualisiert)

RIP Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns 
On December 14, 2106, Franciscan Cardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns, died in São Paulo, Brazil at the age of 95. The Cardinal lived 76 years of religious life, 
71 years of priesthood, 50 years of the episcopate and 43 years of cardinalate. He was Archbishop of São Paulo from 1970 to 1998.He was a journalist and a professor and, as a writer, he published 57 books. He was a staunch defender of human rights in Brazil and throughout Latin America, especially in Argentina and Chile. He denounced the torture used by the military during the military dictatorship of Brazil, which lasted from 1964 to 1985. Convinced of the need that the Church is poor and for the poor, one of the most significant gestures of which Cardinal Arns was a proponent was the sale of the Bishop’s Palace, with the proceeds going to the building of more than 1000 community centers, where the poor of the city of São Paulo could gather to pray, study and share their lives. Cardinal Arns received several awards both in Brazil and internationally. We cite among others the Nensen prize of the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), the Niwano Peace Prize (Japan) and the Letelier-Moffitt International Human Rights Award (USA); He also received honorary citizenship in about 40 nations and in many cities.
aus: Franziskaner-Nachrichten -, 15.12.2016 
Weiteres zum Tod von Kardinal Paulo Evaristo Arns:
Hommage von J.J. Tamayo in ATRIO, 21.12.2016: 
Auf dem Pfad der Theologie der Befreiung (spanisch)
Full text in Italian --- in Portuguese:

01. 01.2017

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